Thursday, November 27, 2014

episode 8... a thanksgiving special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it is thanksgiving today!  the good news was that we were going out of town to my papa's house, so we did not have to worry about the sabers.  we ate turkey, stuffing,  patatos, and for desert we ate pumkin pie.  after dinner we were playing................stuff.  and then it happend: IT! the wishbone, it was said that it shoots deadly splinters in the loser' eye.  it also took souls away and it was as sharp as a sword known to men.  so then you would think, who are you fighting?  i was fighting a muscular pro wrestler that was said to kill : my dad:)  we were fighting hard. i could feel my peice getting shorter by the second. and then.......................................................................................SNAP! i got the bigger peice!  i don't want to teell what happend next, so disipher this code and happy thanksgiving!      8 5  3    12  15  2  5  18  4  13  5    


  1. Hmmm a secret code. That is a tough one to crack. I think the wish bone was easier to break and since you were the wishbone champ, I think your code is safe... The meal sounded delicious and glad you had a Happy Thanksgiving.
    I'm ready and waiting for your next adventure in the city of Az.
    The Mysterious G.

  2. Ok Bdgaleana, I'm ready for more tales of the weird and wonderful Az city. :)
    The Mysterious G
